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- Course Information: Acquired Brain Injury Awareness
- Course Information: Awareness of Alcohol and Substance Misuse
- Course Information: Becoming a Wellbeing Champion
- Course Information: Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace
- Course Information: Care Certificate
- Course Information: Caring for People with Dementia (Fundamentals)
- Course Information: Challenging Behaviour
- Course Information: Change and Resilience
- Course Information: Compassion and Dignity in Care
- Course Information: Data Protection and the UK GDPR
- Course Information: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
- Course Information: Developing Mental Strength
- Course Information: End of Life Care (Fundamentals)
- Course Information: Epilepsy Awareness
- Course Information: Equality and Diversity (Fundamentals)
- Course Information: Fire Safety (Fundamentals)
- Course Information: Fire Safety inc. Fire Warden Responsibilities
- Course Information: First Aid
- Course Information: Food Hygiene and Safety
- Course Information: Forensic Awareness
- Course Information: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Course Information: Health & Safety inc. COSHH
- Course Information: Health and Safety – The Fundamentals
- Course Information: Learning Disability Induction
- Course Information: Legionella Awareness
- Course Information: Managing Stress and Anxiety
- Course Information: Managing Uncertainty
- Course Information: Manual Handling (Fundamentals)
- Course Information: Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Fundamentals)
- Course Information: Mental Health First Response
- Course Information: Mental health: Body and Mind
- Course Information: Nutrition, Diet and Health
- Course Information: Obesity and Nutrition – The Fundamentals
- Course Information: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace
- Course Information: Resilient Families
- Course Information: Safeguarding Adults
- Course Information: Safeguarding Children Including EHA
- Course Information: Safer Handling of Medicines
- Course Information: Supporting People with Asperger’s Syndrome
- Course Information: Supporting People with Autism
- Course Information: Supporting People with Cerebral Palsy
- Course Information: Supporting People with Diabetes Mellitus
- Course Information: Supporting People with Down Syndrome
- Course Information: Supporting People with Learning Disabilities & Mental Health Needs
- Course Information: The Menopause and Mental Health
- Course Information: Understanding an Individual with Learning Disabilities
- Course Information: Work-Life Balance
- Course Information: Working at Height
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- Developing Personal Resilience School and College Students
- Developing Resilience Primary Schools 7-12 Years Old
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Posts by category
- Category: News
- Are you prepared for The New Order?
- 10 Ways to Respond In The Face Of Uncertainty
- Now You Can Support Your Staff and Their Families Too
- Employees increasingly need Resilience, Adaptability and Creativity
- Change and Resilience
- The Menopause and Mental Health
- Tailor Made e-Learning for Expert Employers
- The Wellbeing Ecosystem for Universities
- Calling Headteachers in Leicestershire & Rutland
- The Embrace ABCD (and E) of Resilient Spending
- What IS Debt? 5 Common Characteristics.
- 6 Reasons why Bespoke e-Learning is Perfect for Expert Employers
- Challenging Behavior – Another new Release from Embrace-Learning
- First Aid – Another New Release from Embrace Learning
- Working at Height – Another New Release from Embrace Learning
- 6 Top Tips for Staying Well When The Going Gets Tough.
- So you work with an Autist?
- All About Embrace
- Discover Asset Based Community Development e-Learning
- Safeguarding Children – New Realease
- 5 Great Reasons to Embrace Resilience and Wellbeing in Social Housing Communities.
- Do you know enough about drug and alcohol abuse?
- Why the WE?
- Feel Less Lonely – talk to a woman
- 6 No Quibble Reasons to Embrace Change
- Embrace Pilot – Free Wellbeing and Stress Management Modules Available
- A guide to optimising efficiency with an older workforce
- Tailor Made e-Learning for Expert Employers
- Embrace Resilience and Wellbeing
- Fuller Working Lives Six Great Reasons to Hire Older Workers
- Embrace Resilience Journal/Elearning/Workbook – Hard Copy (Pack of 5)
- Resilience for Life Centre Licence
Product categories
- Printed Quotes
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- Planners and Journals
- E-Learning
- Gift of Resilience