6 No Quibble Reasons to Embrace Change

Let me be clear about one thing, I’m not a person who takes a casual approach to change

I’m a big fan of caution – up to a point.

I do like to think things through. 

Never the less, when it comes to change, advancing age makes me bolder and bolder.

Waiting for fate to give me a shove is not an option. As hard as it is when it’s time to make a change, I chose my own path because I’m the only person who truly knows what will and will not bring me happiness.

If you rely on another person to make you happy they will disappoint you, every time.


Taking care of your own emotional well-being is your responsibility and yours alone. So, if you want to be the best person you can be, the best parent, partner, employee and friend you’d better take that particular responsibility very seriously indeed.

Change is inevitable and meeting it head on can be terrifying, but waiting for Lady Luck to shuffle the deck is also pretty nerve wracking and much less reliable in terms of positive outcomes.

So, I offer you …

Six excellent reasons to give caution a punch on the nose and make change work for you too.

1 Real problems rarely get easier with time.

That job that you hate is unlikely to ever become your reason to live.

Whatever it takes to change it is probably going to make more sense than staying put.

40 miserable hours per week is a completely unacceptable waste of life, right?

2 If change matters to you, it matters for a reason 

If you find yourself living with the wrong person, however perfect they may be on paper, wanting to leave doesn’t mean you’re  bad or ungrateful. In fact, wanting to leave just means you recognise the value of getting things as right as you possibly can in this one and only life.

3.Whatever you think about yourself is true.

And that’s ok because if you don’t like it, you can change it.

Believing you’re not strong or brave enough is life limiting.

Some people cling to the security offered by sameness even when it bores them literally to tears.

Others reach through the mist of uncertainty to get what they want.

Yip, they could fall off a cliff, but there are loads of us climbing back up cliffs, it’s pretty life affirming.

4. Embracing change will immeasurably improve your self-esteem.

Even if you think your self-esteem is more or less ok, like an ex-smoker tasting fresh coffee, the difference will be immediately obvious.

5 If not now when?

Perfect opportunities come and go like ether.

You can’t plan for them, you’ll most likely miss them, and anyway, they may arrive too late.

Have faith in your own resilience, work to your own timetable.

Be as kind as you can to others but remember, the people who would hold you back have their own agenda which won’t necessarily reflect your own.

6. Regrets – why have a few? resilience in happiness

When you look back at life from your creaking bath chair, will you be delighted to have stayed in an empty marriage, turned up for that soul-destroying job, and made everyone but yourself feel better?

If you doubt it – the time to embrace your own potential is now.

for more information about coping with change go to


and for even more inspiration check out




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